Wednesday, April 14, 2010

High School?

I need help on high school problems. I have all my friends, but I think that they are starting to hate me. I am a 9th grader and I feel nervous cause I am not a public speaker since six years. People are telling me that I am weird. For me, it's kind of true sometimes. I have a lot of homework and I don't know what to do cause i don't understand it and i never want to tell my teachers that I don't know anything. Im kind of an immature person cause when people start to tease or playing around with me, I get this feeling that I am crying on the inside. I never cry in front of anyone. I am bisexual and I don't want to tell anyone about it cause I feel scared of what would happen. I only kept it to myself and some other gay friend I have in myspace. We don't have lockers so instead we have to carry our books 24/7. Some book we don't bring, but my backpack is like 7 pounds aleady. I see some people carry a little amount, but I want to know how they do that. Do you have any advice for this?

High School?
You touched on alot of issues here. You need to know that the teen years are full of mixed emotions and hormone swings. Everybody feels weird and awkward at some point in their teen years. Feeling like crying when getting teased is not a sign of immaturity, it's a sign that you are a human being with feelings that get hurt. Everybody cries.

You need to tell your teachers or parents when you don't understand your homework, my son has a tutor because he didn't want to tell the teacher he didn't understand anything because he said he would feel stupid. This is what they are there for and get paid for, to educate you.

As for being bi-sexual, I don't know what to tell you about this except do you have a trusted adult you could talk to or a counsellor at school.

Please know you won't always feel like this. I wish you a future filled with peace and happiness :-)
Reply:dont worry, last year my backpack used to be 18 pounds. :( what school do u go to? bv? anyway, lets say you have a history worksheet in you binder. bring home just the work sheet, not the binder, etc. bring home as little as possible, but always double ckeck to make sure that you have everything.
Reply:Sweetie,your experiencing the typical highschool problems.So,i am going to address each one individually.

Friends:In high school we make friends and we lose friends.That is how it goes,and typically highschool is drama.They are friends with someone one week and not friends with them the next.This,i dare to say it,is basicly preparing you for the world.Highschool is one huge learning experience.Aside from your normal daily assignments,it helps to prepare of you the harsh-ness of the real world.It is not easy,high school is far from easy.However,you can get through it,everyone believe it or not goes through each of these things at least once if not more before they are an adult.That age you are not quite an adult,and you are in the middle.You are unsure of being an adult,because you are quite an adult just yet,and your too old to be a "Child".You will grow out of this.

Public Speaking:Many suffer with this exact issue.A fear of public speaking can arise from many things.Are you afraid youll stumble across your words?Afraid many will look at you differently because of the way you read?There are many things that can provoke a fear of public speaking.More so,the anxiety of it.The fear,the those are going to treat you even more differently,or possibly even reject you for a simple mistake.When you are nervous,you tend to stumble across your words.My advice for this is get a book and read in front of your mirror.Yes,to yourself look into the mirror every so often as if you were giving eye contact to the audience who happens to be you.Slowly work your way up,when you become comfortable with reading to yourself,slowly add one person(Mother,Father,Sister,Brother,Frie... add another person as soon as you become comfortable.I would add the friends in last,because you will feel a little more comfortable around your family at first.So,work on that!

Strange-ness:Who isnt weird hun?We all are weird in some form or fashion.The reason being that none of us are alike.None of us believe exactly the same as another.We dont view the world the same,so what technically is consider as "different" is often referred to as weird.

Homework:Hun,you need to speak up to your teachers.They will not look down on you,they may even get you an after school tutor,or offer to go over the work to catch you up a bit.Asking for help,is NEVER something to be ashamed of.This does not make you ignorant.Everyone struggles with certain subjects in school.It isnt admitting you "Don't know anything",it is simply asking for help.Dont be afraid to do so,that is their job.They are getting paid to help YOU,not vice versa.

Immature:You will grow out of that hun.As you get older,you will start to care less about what others think of you.In highschool,everyone wants to be accepted and remembered.Let me tell you something,No one ever remembers those who simply blend in,they remember those who stand out.You will honestly,grow out of this stage.You will begin to open up a little more also.

Sexuality:This is where i think the biggest issue resides.All these little things,are adding up.You should never be afraid of your sexuality,or embarassed for that matter.You are who you are,and people at this point are either going to love you,or hate you.Either way,thats how it is.You should never fear your sexuality.This is apart of who you are.You are special,there is not one other person like you.That makes you unique.If we judged out friendships based on someones sexuality we would be missing out on alot of other great friendships.If you fear your sexuality,more than likely you are not quite sure about it just yet.That is OK! It is also ok to explore your sexuality,however i would recommend you wait until your older and always make sure to protect yourself.You shouldnt force yourself to choose your sexuality now,you will have plenty of time for that.Enjoy being young because once its gone it doesnt come back.Dont regret not enjoying it.

Books:Why dont you have lockers?Your a freshmen,you have alot of classes or so im assuming as when i was in highschool we did also.(My freshmen year was about 5 years ago,so im assuming not much has changed).Someone needs to bring this up at a PTO meeting or PTA,or maybe even a parent/teacher conference.This issue definately needs to be addressed not just by the students but by the parents as well.This is one of the leading causes of back problems with young teens.The school board(The board of education for your school district) needs to be aware of this issue.You definately need lockers that is too much weight to be carrying around on your back all day.Please,speak to your parents about this,and have them speak to the board of education.

That pretty much sums up my advice on these issues.I am not a professional,just simply lending my opinion and advice.However,i think that you are a typical teenager trying to find your place in this world.As you grow up it will begin to come to you,just allow yourself to be a teenager.If you need to talk,i am going to extend to you the option to email me.You can do so by clicking on my name and then clicking email.I will do my best to answer any questions you have.Good luck hun,and have a good day.
Reply:Hm. Hi there! Well i hope i will answer ur question. ok here i go LOL well see about u being bi. its ur secrect persay. so you dont have to tell anyone NObody has the right to go into ur personal life. And if someone finds out or makes a comment just play it in spanish we go "SI Y QUE CON ESO?" and as long as u dont seem intimidaded or hurt by their comments they will stop cuz it wont be fun to do anymore. now i just resently learned that its ok to cry....and i'm a senior lol dont keep everything inside cuz it just makes it worse. You may feel that your friends are hating you when maybe in reality, you guys are just grwoing apart. try talkin to them. and if they dont want to talk then i would think that they are not worth YOUR time and effort. try making new friend little by little. and no you are not immature. if you were truely immature than you would lash at them and start a fight and you wouldn't be asking for help. i apploud you!. well about the backpack problem. i think everyone goes threw that once in a while. well since you dont have lockers it makes it harder. how about u just carry the books that are most nessasary. like math. and lang.arts. and stuff like that. one folder for all your papers and another for homework that way your organized witch makes school so much more easyer. oh and notebooks are the heavyest! if you dont need one for each class than only carry one. and when you go home....empty out ur backpack. like cuz i know that after lunch you may stick a waterbottle in there which ways it down. and paper that is old and that is due! that way u carry light and you get good grades for turning in your homework on time. remember that skool will get easyer. and dont sweat it. its all right. well i hope i helped. oh and remember that most teachers...MOST....they give grades based on effort so ask them for help dont be embarresed. ok?! atleast try.oh and about not being able to speak inpublic. i know how that feels cuz i'm a somewhat shy can try having or gettting to know a friend thats more on the outgoing side so he or she litterally pushes you to be loud and the center of attention. i dont have friends like that but my whole family is like that LOL or you could try like going and trying out for a school play or if its a reading situation than you can just practice out loud in your room. thats what helps me in both english and spanish. and if u studder when reading or u get real nervous and you mess up alot play it off. like laugh it out. if you laugh at urself b4 other people start...then they have no reason to start. so yeah. just in the words of my cousin.....chilax. and things will eventually blow over and get into perspective. well i hope this helped BYE
Reply:well hi there i dont know you but, high school is high school, and of course there will be lots of work, im a senior. 17 yrs old. and well we dont have lockers either, you know. but we did not have alot of many books to carry, but maybe its cause you have 7 or eight classes, while i have 4 classes..... look dont stress out to much and if its alot of books just do whatever possible to keep up, or if your imberrassed dont be imberrassed because in the end you will finish high school and it will pay off...

yes well maybe you have problems in your life, but if you need someone to talk to, here is my and maybe we can become pen we can talk more, plus its nice to meet other people, from other places, right??

hope this helps and i can help more if you decide to write to me more and become pen pals later or soon.....

love a girl named serina 17 yrs old

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