Thursday, November 19, 2009

High school?

Ok, im a sophomore in high school, I have almost all A's right now, but for my freshmen, and the first semester of sophomore year I messed up. Should I try and retake all the classes that I got D's in ? Even if I got A's from now until senior year would colleges not accept me because of how I messed up for the first year and a half ?

(I know community college is an option, so please give me other ones)

High school?
Its pretty common knowledge that colleges focus most on the sophomore and junior years. I would reccomend (if you are up to it) signing up for AP Classes that will boost your GPA and your transcript. Colleges will take notice if you start getting hardcore in difficult classes. However, don't write off the community college route, it'll save money on top of making it easier to get into the school of your dreams. Oh yeah don't make the mistake of retaking classes, it will just slow you down and you won't ultimately gain much, if any, kind of standing from repeats.
Reply:you definately don't want to be in high school forever. but at the same time its unreasonable to get A's in every single class. just keep going and do your best

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