Thursday, November 19, 2009

High School?

Ok, I'm 16, and a junior in high school, and this freshmen boy in my class keeps staring at me, and its starting to get annoying. I dont want to be rude, but how do I let him know that its starting to seriously get on my nerves.

High School?
He knows that YOU know he's staring.

So stop noticing. Don't look at him at all. Then it won't matter if he's staring....because you won't know.
Reply:I'm that boy, I can't help it, is that hair sticking out of your mole.
Reply:hit him, then tell him its not nice to stare
Reply:turn around and say its not polite to stare. im sure he'll stop
Reply:I would get a friend of yours to talk to him.Get them to ask him to stop staring. That you have not noticed it but they have. It would be much less embarrassing for him. It would also be much less weird for you.
Reply:Well first ask him if he likes you he probobly does so then just tell him you don't like him and tell him to stop
Reply:Clip him...i mean thats what i would do
Reply:Action Options:

Stop noticing him. He's only doing it cos he KNOWS it gets to you.

stare back at him with your eyes crossed.

turn around to look at him slowly, a la Linda Blair, and tell him, in a veeeerrry high voice, "It's impolite to stare, Brian." even if his name isn't Brian.

Or go up to him and say one of the following:

"take a picture it'll last longer"

"Whatchu lookin' at, ***-eyes!?" courtesy of Major Payne

"stop looking at me, it's kinda freaking me out"

he probably wants to go out with you. freako. don't worry about it, freshmen have short attention spans.

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