Monday, May 4, 2009

High school?

i know i just asked a question bout highschool, but now im really curious. i keep hearing horror stories, but good things too. people keep saying that the more involved you are, the better high school will be. well, im sorta shy. im usually the one in the corner w/ her nose in a book. im not a big people person. would someone pleez help me "understand" (for lack of a better word) high school and the experiences i might end up missing?

High school?
Hey, that's the same case with me. I had to move away from all the friends I made in middle school. I still keep in touch with them, though.They have really influenced my life, and advised that I just approach others sweetly. My cousin says to be active in clubs, but don't join too many. I am a shy person, but I hope to make new friends and just be myself because that's how I want people to see me. I don't know if that answers your question, but I hope it helps.
Reply:Just be yourself
Reply:If you want to start small, learn chess and join the chess club (many larger schools should have one).
Reply:High school went by fast for me way back when. You should involve yourself in as much as you can. That's the last of your k-12 education. Enjoy it, as it doesn't come again. You don't have to be a some sort of social queen, just maintain your grades and try to play a sport or something.
Reply:try to find something you like in high school and embrace it. High school will suck at times, and will be a blast at times. but the important thing to remeber, that while 4 years seems like along time, its not really.. and after high school, its a whole new world. Hopefully you will have a great time.. but even if ya dont, dnot letit get to ya... most the "popular" or "in crowd" that i went to high school with, never really did anything with thier lives.
Reply:Join a book club...if not..make sure your school will let you...just get involved and get drinks on the weekend with your new book friends :)
Reply:Well I was.still quite like you SHY!!, I am shy but it does help when you get involoved with the activities and student council for example. I juat graduated from high school and i loved it i was apart of many things in the school, I also went to different schools to talk about the same things your asking. Its not that big of a deal I hope you will enjoy school and what it has to offer :P
Reply:I never joined any other activities when I was in high school. I was shy to join the clubs and stuff, and you won't miss much. though I was a band geek, and I didn't have to be out-going to join band, and it was the best memory I've ever had back when I was in high school, we went on band trips and did competitions, and travel to places, it was awesome and fun.
Reply:You know what i use to be just like yo my frshmen year when i had moved from a way smaller town a nd a way smaller school and it took me a lot to find friends but you know how i started to get freds just be yourself before i would try to impress the people si i can han around with them but since i started to be myself i started to get friends and i love it. so a advice is just follow your heart mind whatever but just be yourself dont try to impress. That worked for me and from the bottom of my heart hopfully this is a good advice and it works for you as it worked for me.
Reply:i didn't fit in when i was in school so i stayed by myself but you can get involved in sports
Reply:well you need to meet people. make new friends. talk to someone you wouldn't. still keep your nose in a book because you need good grades. but also be social. join a club. play an instrument or play a sport. join yearbook commitee. and its better to get most of your credits before you become a senior so that junior and senior year will be easy. i am a sophomore and i just met all my teachers and they seem awsome. my physical science class doesnt even have a text book!! i think you'll do fine. and if you embarass yourself, its ok everyone does. i fell UP the stairs when i was a freshman. and i also walking right into a door that was sticking out. just savor every moment. you're going to have fun. study hard, play harder haha. that wasn't meant to sound "wrong"
Reply:Don't worry about high school and friends and all that old bs... Remember this... the cool ones are usually the ones who are out of luck and looking for good jobs, the smart ones are the ones in college right now or even better... somewhere in a nice house, with a nice car, and a nice life with a nice bank account... The nerds always grow up to be rich nerds... Trust me!
Reply:Missing if you're shy and uninvolved?

Probably not much - you have to remember - even if you don't believe me - because I didn't at that age - those in your high school are not that important to you after high school - I don't even see almost anybody after high school - and I don't miss anybody really, and when you do see eachother, it's weird because you realize that the most you had in common was a class, or the fact that you went to school together and then it's weird and you say bye. Then you're done with them - unless you don't want to be done with them. I kept my best friend and that was it! OR maybe those I went to church with, but it is no big deal to do tons of stuff and be in the limellight in high school - I say actually - get done as soon as possible - graduate as a Junior - you can do that now - check into it. See ya! Good luck.
Reply:Keep focused because before you know it you will be 28 and laughing at all the "popular" kids who grew up to be absolute looser's ... HAAA You won't miss a thing ... just be yourself -
Reply:I have been out of high school for 15 years now but I remember wanting to fit in and people telling me to participate in everything and keep yourself busy. So of course that is what I did. I played every sport and did every club. Now as an adult I look back and realize that none of those things actiually helped me! I never talk to anyone that I was friends with in high school. I thought we were all going to die when we seperated and went to college. Trust one died! Just be yourself and do what you want to do. If it is being shy and reading and keeping to yourself well then do it. You havew the rest of your life and it will only get better!
Reply:High school is a stepping stone for college. There are opportunities to experience things you wouldn't even imagine (not just sex or drugs.) It would great to get involved in clubs or sports to make new friends. The horror stories will only make you stronger- don't fret. The experience will be the same.
Reply:ok in high school u r own ur own especially when u have higher level classes it will be very hard

and the good thing is u can do watever u want noone cares they will warn u first unlike middle school where just get suspensions

best of all u get chew gum and stick it under table

Reply:Ahaha. Upperclassmen don't dump you in trash cans, they just pretend you don't exist. Go join a club or something that has to do with literature and someone that joins your interests.
Reply:i think high school is pretty cool you get to know more people and there are more options for like extra activities im a senoir and i have been in a clinical preperation class and met a lot of people and went to hospitals ive also played volleyball freshman year and i got to know people so it is true if your envolved more it will be a better experience but i also feel if you get to know people that are interested in the things you like it will also be a better experience for you.
Reply:honey, you probably wont miss ANYTHING. trust me, you sound exactly like me. do you have friends? thats all you need to make it in high school. if you miss anything at all, it'll be the overpriced crap dances and the football games after which people end up getting drunk and dying in carcrashes (a willing sacrifice im sure?) there are no horror stories about high school. the important thing is to not get sucked up into the whole fashion and clique thing. wanna know why? coz after you graduate, none of that matters. NONE OF IT. they dont matter because theyre not things you can put on your resume. if it cant go there, or on your transcript, then its not worth the bother. join a couple of simple clubs to begin with. or better yet, start one! for shy people and the like. i guarantee, if you are the president of a club, it'll boost your confidence AND work towards getting you into a better college.
Reply:High school is defintely better when you are involved and also in order to get many college scholarships it is important to have extracurricular activities on your resume. Just try joining some clubs of interest to you. Other than that high school is no different than middle school or grade school except your older and interested in different things.
Reply:its different for everyone but i loved highschool. It seemed that evreyone fit in somewhere and almost everbody, no matter how different they were, they got along. I'm sure you'll be fine and theres others that share your same interests.
Reply:Dear, Whatever you are, be that. Whatever you say, be true. Straightforwardly act, be honest, in fact. BE NOBODY ELSE BUT YOU!. My point is, you do not have to be active in any activities if you do not want to.
Reply:High school isnt bad every one minds there owns business but when your a freash mann people do say freahman suck when they pass you but no big deal
Reply:Well I'm a sophmore and I'm not too shy I usually talk to people a lot, but I choose not to participate in like clubs or sports. I haven't missed them I think they might take away from my school work.
Reply:So, here's the thing about shyness... everyone is! Different people just express it in different ways and at different times. Some people that seem so easy at meeting other people end up being really scared to let anyone know the real them. Other people are more nervous when they first meet people but are fine once they start to know someone.

High school is a great time to meet people that are different than you. A lot of students are afraid of that so they hang in crowds that are a bunch of people just like them. Some think they're cooler than everyone else, but it's really just their way of being shy about meeting people that are new and different.

The key is to find what you like about yourself, what your good at, and to feel confident about it. Look for friends that like you for you. Sometimes the best way to find them is thru clubs -- just pick stuff you are interested in. Relax. Enjoy yourself. High school can be fun especially if you just be yourself.
Reply:I was so shy when I started high school that I could not look up walking the halls, only at the ground (bigggg problem) my heart would race and I couldn't talk to people. So, I made myself join the drama club and take drama class.

Very hard at first, since none of my friends were there. wonderful move. I learned to speak to and in front of people, how to change my character (acting) and I met my husband!!

Do something to help you break out a little. High school is hard, but also great. You can explore different subjects and don't have to know yet what you want to be or do. I am a teacher, and I recommend taking classes which are challenging, but don't try to kill yourself with college or AP classes unless you really enjoy them. Be a kid for a while longer. what is the rush about? you can go to college when you go to college! Don't be bored, but don't take classes where you stay up all night doing homework. Colleges give scholarships to students who have a high gpa (which you can get in reg. classes easier than AP or IB) and it helps if you show some community interest or club interest, and some diversity. Find out more about yourself in high school. You won't miss out, there are lots of shy people there. God bless you!!!! The world needs its shy folks too, you know!
Reply:start high school by doing one thing you like or are good at and then see how you like it. i started out with dancing and this year i think i'm ready to try some student leadership and musical opportunities. its not really consequences you'll have for not doing things, just the things you could of done and what you're missing-- meeting new people, preparing for college and lots of other things you can only get when you're involved in high school, it makes you feel really good.
Reply:I was stoned all four years, so I really can't say...

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