Monday, May 4, 2009

High school?

im from oz.

and im in high school next year [O_O]

can i just have some dos and donts about high school . like you know dont mess with this or that ,.like that kind

and tips with boys [no, not getting them to like you. but to handle and befriend them]

High school?
Dont flirt with guys who have reputations of sex and stay away from drugs and drinking completely. Do make sure you make a goood impression on your teachers pay attention in class and be nice to everyone. Ask for help when you need it. For guys to befriend them find the ones that treat girls nicely, make friends with girls first and then you can make friends with the guys they think are acceptable. You can do it Good Luck
Reply:Don't change. At all. My best friend changed when she got into high school, and you don't think you are doing it, but sometimes you just need a reality check. Anywho, you need to hang out with the right crowd, I am not saying you should be popular, I mean, just hang out with people who are actaully your friends, not someone using you, doing drugs, or a bad infulence. Teahcers hate it when you swear, but you usually don't get in trouble for it. Also you should do your homework everynight, because(for me) you do homework m-t, then on Friday there is a quiz on it then the next week there is usually a test. Also it counts for 30 percent of your grade, so if you don't do it and you score a 100 on projects, tests, and quizes the hightest grade you can get is a 70 percent. C-.
Reply:high school isnt as bad as they make it seem like on shows or movies, it's pretty normal actually, a lot more people though........but yea it's really not so bad

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